My viewcontroller does not show the texts


I work with objective c and I have a very strange problem ... I can switch from one view controller to another in a normal way, the problem is that in the second viewController the labels or the texts of the buttons are not painted ... Do you know what it could be?

asked by user100729 21.09.2018 в 06:16

1 answer


Are the labels not painted when you run the program or does it happen to you in the storyboard display?

There may be several reasons and we would need to see your code to clearly understand the problem; however, something that can help you solve it is to use the User Interface Inspector

You only need to run your program and when you are in the second ViewController, click on Xcode to the following button:

Once this is done, you can check if your labels, buttons, etc. are really being painted. This way you can make sure that no view is being painted on your elments.

If this option does not work for you, you can check that your viewController 2 is actually called from the main thread, many times when executing a segue or presenting a view we do not make sure that it is being done in the main thread and this type of problems.

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"goToSelectLogin" sender:usuario];

I hope you serve one of these options!

answered by 29.09.2018 в 00:14