Handle xml data returned by SOAP AFIP service


It happens that I always make AJAX requests and by php I return a JSON. I am working with the taxpayer registry of AFIP and since it is a SOAP service I should return an XML. Here is the documentation: link The getPersona method is the method in question.

Then I have this code:


include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/gestionweb/includes/afip/wsaa-client.php');

define ("URLS", "https://awshomo.afip.gov.ar/sr-padron/webservices/personaServiceA4?WSDL");

if (isset($_POST['CUIT'])){
    $padron = new SoapClient($wsdl_p5, array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,
'location' => URLS,
'exceptions' => 0,
'trace' => 1)
$TA = simplexml_load_file("C:\xampp\htdocs\gestionweb\includes\afip\TA.xml");

$resultado = $padron->getPersona(
'token' => $TA->credentials->token,
'sign' => $TA->credentials->sign,
'cuitRepresentada' => 20357161178, // es el cuit con el que pedi el certificao
'idPersona' =>$CUITI,
   // $xml=new SimpleXMLElement($resultado);
   // var_dump($xml);


And the result var dump returns an array of std class objects, and I do not know what to do: object (stdClass) # 7 (1) {   ["personReturn"] = >   object (stdClass) # 8 (2) {     ["metadata"] = >     object (stdClass) # 9 (2) {       ["dateTime"] = >       string (29) "2018-09-20T15: 48: 20.183-03: 00"       ["server"] = >       string (19) "awshomo.afip.gov.ar"     }

It starts like this and remains the same. I mean the data I bring from the webservice that works. But I want to read that arrangement, how do I do it?

   var CUIT=$("#cuit1").val();

            type: "POST",
            url: "//localhost/gestionweb/includes/afip/consultaPadron.php",
            data: {"CUIT":CUIT}, 
    dataType: "xml",
            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
            success: function(cli){

Try it like this but it gives an error, it does not enter a success error in the request.

asked by Caruso 20.09.2018 в 20:55

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