I have a custom administrator, but when I click on a model, it redirects me to the default administrator django, so it would not make sense to do a custom admin, thanks for your collaboration.
This is my custom admin is in myapp / admin.py, in this case user / admin.py, I just want the user logged in without being a super user visualize the administration of their foundation.
class AdminFundacion(AdminSite):
site_header = "Administracion de fundación"
def has_permission(self, request):
if request.user.is_active :
if request.user.rol=='1' :
self.index_title="Bienvenido a la gestion de "+str(request.user.fundacion)
return request.user.is_active
AdminFundacion = AdminFundacion(name='fundacion-admin')
This is your respective URL in myapp / url.py
from users.admin import AdminFundacion
url(r'^fundacion-admin/$', AdminFundacion.urls),
When I register the model in the custom admin (AdminFundation), without registering the model in the default admin:
admin.site.register(Fundacion, FundacionAdmin)
This appears to me, as the model is disabled:
When I register the model in the default admin, the model is enabled but when I click on the model, it loses the url user / fundacion-admin / or app / fundacion-admin / and redirects it to admin / app or admin / users in this case
What can I do so that I can only manage from the custom admin?.