Exact Hours given 2 dates in Visual Basic

Dim sql As String = "SELECT a.*, 
     CAST(DATEDIFF (minute, a.fechaEntrada ,a.fechaSalida)/ 60.0 as decimal (18,2)) %24 as horasTrabajadas  
     from tblasistencia a 
     WHERE a.idClave = '" & empno & "' and a.fechaEntrada BETWEEN  '" & fechaInicio & "' AND '" & fechaFin & "' "

How can I improve the query, so that when doing the sum of hours with the DATEDIFF function, I return the calculations more precisely, that is, I want to make the data more user friendly, reading the data.

Caso 1
21:00:50    06:02:51    9.03

Multiply 0.03 * 60 so that it leaves 1.8 minutes apart, that is 9 hours and 1.8 minutes.

Current result

 Hora A      Hora B     Suma
21:00:50    06:02:51    9.03
21:09:40    06:26:16    9.28
21:12:06    07:22:12    10.17
21:16:45    06:26:16    9.17
21:27:36    06:02:40    8.58
21:21:10    06:09:49    8.8
21:12:13    06:09:48    8.95
21:08:34    06:02:32    8.9

In the following way, the exact hours come out but I can not find the way to concatenate and add them to the query.

((DateDiff(Second, a.fechaEntrada, a.fechaSalida)%86400)/3600) + ':'+ 
(((DateDiff(Second,a.fechaEntrada, a.fechaSalida)%86400)%3600)/60)  horasTrabajadas
asked by Noel L 09.10.2018 в 18:03

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