Good morning, I am implementing a controller that pulls out a list of products and adds them to the shopping cart, but when I give a personalized price to the product, it does not respect me and puts the original.
Any ideas on how to solve this, thanks in advance.
This is my code:
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$price = $item->getItemPrice();
$price = $priceHelper->currency($price, false, false);
$params = array();
$params['qty'] = $item->getItemQuantity();//product quantity
$params['price'] = $item->getItemPrice();//product price|
$request = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject();
$_product = $this->_productRepository->getById($item->getItemId(),true,null,true);
$this->cart->addProduct($_product, $request);
$this->messageManager->addSuccessMessage('Cotizacion agregada a carrito correctamente');
return $resultRedirect;
catch(Exception $e)
$this->messageManager->addErrorMessage('Ocurrio un error agregando la cotizacion al carrito');
return $resultRedirect;