I am starting to work with laravel, but the database was already created and in none of the tables the primary key is named id
The roles table has its primary key id_role
when trying to do the update it tells me the following error:
SQLSTATE [HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'id'. [20018] (severity 16) [update [roles] set [COD_ROLE] = '1111', [DES_ROLE] = 'Sysadmin2', [FDM_ROLE] = '2018-07-31' where [id] is null] (SQL: update [roles] set [COD_ROLE] = 1111, [DES_ROLE] = Sysadmin2, [FDM_ROLE] = 2018-07-31 where [id] is null)
In my model role I have already redefined the primary key:
class role extends Model
Modificar convenciones de Laravel:
//Para indicar que la tabla del modelo no usará los campos created_at y updated_at
public $timestamps = false;
//Indicar que la clave de la tabla no es id sino id_role
protected $primary_key = 'ID_ROLE';
Having this in the controller:
public function update(Request $request)
$rol = role::where("id_role", '=', $request['ID_ROLE'])->first();
$rol->COD_ROLE = $request['COD_ROLE'];
$rol->DES_ROLE = $request['DES_ROLE'];
$rol->OBS_ROLE = $request['OBS_ROLE'];
$rol->FDM_ROLE = Date('Y-m-d');
$rol->EST_ROLE = $request['EST_ROLE'];
Can someone help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong, why does not it work?