Problems attach_mailer (Multiples address)


I have an email format for php, using the kind of attach_mailer available on the internet ... So far I always send an email by address, but now I need the same email to be sent to several recipients.

$correos_empresa ="[email protected],[email protected]";
foreach($correos_empresa as $key_correo => $value_correo){
    $test = new attach_mailer($name = $asunto, $from = "[email protected]", $value_correo, $cc= "[email protected]" , $bcc= "" , $asunto, ($mensaje)); 

But now it should be something like this ...

$test = new attach_mailer($name = $asunto, $from = "[email protected]", "[email protected],[email protected]", $cc= "[email protected],[email protected]" , $bcc= "" , $asunto, ($mensaje)); 

Any help is appreciated

asked by Luis Rosales Jara 04.10.2018 в 15:15

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