I am creating an application that stores the information of some businessmen (name, document, etc.) and I am saving this information in an ArrayList, my problem is that when loading the Array with the identification numbers of the entrepreneurs only I get the first 5 records. It is worth clarifying that the information of the entrepreneurs I bring from Firebase. Thank you. Entrepreneur class code
FirebaseRecyclerAdapter mAdapter =
new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Empresario, EmpresariosHolder>(
Empresario.class, R.layout.plantilla_empresarios, EmpresariosHolder.class, dbEmpresarios) {
public void populateViewHolder(EmpresariosHolder EmpreViewHolder, final Empresario empresario, final int position) {
EmpreViewHolder.setcedula(empresario.getCedula() + "");
Toast.makeText(ActivityEntrenamientos.this, ""+arrayCC, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();