How do I fix the error \ (Can not find the specified path)?

0 says \ (The system can not find the specified path) and what is aug is to create the in the specified path but when entering the it tells me this: files under the "build" folder are generated and should not be edited and when doing sync I will delete the and I can not compile the project please help, I'm trying to compile a buildbox game.

asked by AJ ANGEL JOSUE 08.09.2018 в 20:20

2 answers


what you could do is see if in your build.gradle the minifyEnabled attribute is true, just put it in false and this should solve your problem. : D.

android {
buildTypes {
    release {
        **** Lo demas que este aca *****
        minifyEnabled false  //Ponlo en false


answered by 09.09.2018 в 07:59

maybe you can solve it from your android studio this is the project with the problem: link and this is the link

and if you can not solve it, try to do another procedure. This is the unencrypted project: link

If you are lucky in solving it, do not forget to tell me I could give you the game program in 2d without code

answered by 09.09.2018 в 08:43