Thanks for the reply. But the code still does not work for me.
The program is a test to be used later in another project.
Basically they are two UserControl inside a window, each one with its respective ViewModel. I implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces and
In view1
<Button Grid.Column="0" Margin="30" Height="120" CommandParameter="Button1ViewModelIzdo" Command="{Binding Btn1Command}">
In the ViewModel1:
public class Window1ViewModel : NotifyBase
public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, CustomEventArgs e);
public event EventHandler ThrowEvent;// = delegate { };
private ICommand _btn1Command;
public ICommand Btn1Command
return _btn1Command ?? (_btn1Command = new RelayCommand((parameter) => Bnt1Action(parameter)));
private void Bnt1Action(object parameter)
String msg = parameter as String;
ThrowEvent?.Invoke(this, new CustomEventArgs(msg));
In Vista2 there is a TextBlock
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Center" x:Name="Data" Text="{Binding Path=Data,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"></TextBlock>
And in the ViewModel2
public class Window2ViewModel : NotifyBase
private Window1ViewModel _Thrower;
public Window2ViewModel()
_Thrower = new Window1ViewModel();
_Thrower.ThrowEvent += ( emisor, e) => { ChangeData(emisor , e); };
private string _data;
public string Data
get { return _data; }
if (_data != value)
_data = value;
private void ChangeData(object emisor, CustomEventArgs e)
Data = e.msg;
The CustomEventArgs class has a msg propedad.
But the event does not launch me.
What do I do wrong?