Datagridview delete records by code


Dear I am trying to delete records of two datagridview at the same time by code match, I am loading the records in a datatable both datagridview ,

The process is as follows: By selecting in the first table the exams that I removed from the second datagridview the records that match the same code.

    Public daat2 As New DataTable

 'Cabeceras de las columnas del DataGridView
    Public p_Codigo2 As New DataColumn("Codigo", GetType(System.String))
    Public p_Codigo_examen As New DataColumn("Codigo2", GetType(System.String))
    Public p_Denominacion2 As New DataColumn("Denominacion", GetType(System.String))
    Public p_Precio_Costo2 As New DataColumn("Precio Costo", GetType(System.Decimal))
    Public p_Precio_Venta2 As New DataColumn("Precio Venta", GetType(System.Decimal))

    Private Sub Form_Gestion_Cotizaciones_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

        p_Codigo2.Unique = True
        'Agrego las columnas en el DataTable
        With daat2.Columns

        End With
        DataGridView_Detalle_Cotizacion.DataSource = daat2

    End Sub

     Private Sub txt_Filtro_DataGridView_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_Filtro_DataGridView.TextChanged

        daat2.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Codigo2=" & txt_Filtro_DataGridView.Text

    End Sub

This is the code I'm using to remove the detail but it's working

 Private Sub btn_Eliminar_Examen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_Eliminar_Examen.Click


    End Sub

     Private Sub Quitar_Examen_Detalle()


            Dim da As DataTable 
            da = DataGridView_Cotizacion.DataSource 

            Dim filas As Integer = da.Rows.Count
            Dim idd As String 'Integer

            For i As Integer = 0 To da.Rows.Count - 1

                idd = da.Rows(i).Item(0)

                If idd = txt_Filtro_DataGridView.Text Then 


                    Exit For

                End If

        ''Cargamos nuevamente los datos al datagridview mostrando los cambios
            'dgv.DataSource = dt

        Catch ex As Exception


        End Try

asked by Percy Acosta 05.09.2018 в 07:12

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