I wanted to know how I access from Netbeans to see the types of exceptions, their characteristics and how they work.
I wanted to know how I access from Netbeans to see the types of exceptions, their characteristics and how they work.
Exceptions are objects
From the Exception class, which inherits from Throwable
and contains information about the error that occurred
In Java there can be two types of exceptions:
Exceptions that do not require verification
• Execution errors and exceptions
• Class RuntimeException
Exceptions to check
• Inherit from class Exception
• All others
The exception can be captured to treat it (catch)
catch (Exception e) {treatment ();}
When an exception occurs it is said that (throw)
throw new Exception ();
On the other hand maybe this graphic helps you to have them present in a more visual way.
An exception is not just a class, it is not necessary to use netbeans or any other IDE to view them, with opening the documentation is sufficient. in short, any class that derives from java.lang.Exception is considered an exception, its meaning varies from exception to exception.
it is not advisable to study "all" the exceptions of java, since on the one hand they are a great quantity, on the other hand some only apply to very specific contexts.