The log returns error and the screen shows undefined


Developing a shopping cart using objects and session variables.


require ("../../models/claseTicket.php");

    if (isset($_POST['accion'])){
   if ($_POST['accion']=="listar"){

             $carrito = $_SESSION['carrito'];
             echo json_encode($carrito);
      $carrito = array();
      echo json_encode($carrito);
   }else if ($_POST['accion']=="agregar"){
        $id = $_POST['id'];
        $pu = $_POST['precio'];
        $cant = $_POST['cantidad'];
        $nom = $_POST['nombre'];
        $detalle = new detalleTicket($id,$pu,$cant,$nom);
            $carrito = $_SESSION['carrito'];
        } else {
            $carrito = array();
        array_push($carrito, $detalle);
        $_SESSION['carrito'] = $carrito;


And this is the AJAX request, as you will see in our "data":

$(document).ready(function() {

function listarDetalle(){
     var accion="listar";
            type: "POST",
            url: "//localhost/gestionweb/includes/php/procesoDetalle.php",
            data: { "accion":accion}, 
            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
            success: function(data){
               for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                var newRow =
                    "<tr>" +
                    "<td>" + data[i].idp + "</td>" +
                    "<td>" + data[i].precio + "</td>" 
                    "<td>" + data[i].cantidad + "</td>" +
                    "<td>" + data[i].pu + "</td>" +
                    "<td><input type='radio' id='"+data[i].idp+"' name='seleccion'/></td>"+
                $(newRow).appendTo("#ticket tbody");                 

        } }
}).fail( function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {

  if (jqXHR.status === 0) {

    alert('Not connect: Verify Network.');

  } else if (jqXHR.status == 404) {

    alert('Requested page not found [404]');

  } else if (jqXHR.status == 500) {

    alert('Internal Server Error [500].');

  } else if (textStatus === 'parsererror') {

    alert('Requested JSON parse failed.');

  } else if (textStatus === 'timeout') {

    alert('Time out error.');

  } else if (textStatus === 'abort') {

    alert('Ajax request aborted.');

  } else {

    alert('Uncaught Error: ' + jqXHR.responseText);



The array arrives but I get this error: (7) [...] 0: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name: "detailTicket"} 1: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name: "detailTicket"} 2: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name: "detailTicket"} 3: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name: " detailTicket "} 4: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name:" detailTicket "} 5: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name:" detailTicket "} 6: Object {__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name:" detailTicket "} length: 7: Array [] ticket.js: 22 : 11

And in the columns of the table says undefined.

The method that adds a product is in another .js file but it is as follows:

  var cantidad=$("#CANTIDAD").val();
  if (cantidad!==""){
    var accion = "agregar";
            type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionweb/includes/php/procesoDetalle.php",
            data: {accion,id,cantidad,nombre,marca,precio}, 
            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
            success: function(data){

I attach the Ticket class:

require_once ("/../includes/claseConexion.php");
require_once ("claseProducto.php");

class detalleTicket{
    private $idp;
    private $precio;
    private $cantidad;
    private $nombre;
    private $subtotal;
   public function __construct($id,$pu,$cant,$nom){
    $this->subtotal= ($this->cantidad * $this->precio);
   public function setSubtoal($sub){
   public function actualizaCantidad($nueva){
    $this->cantidad=$this->cantidad + $nueva;
    $sub= $this->cantidad * $this->precio;
class Ticket{
  private $id;
  private $detalle = array();
  private $fecha;
  private $hora;
  private $total;
  private $stm;
  private $vuelto; 
  public function __construct(){

  public function agregaDetalle(detalleTicket $d){
    $this->detalle[] = $d;
  public function setTotal($val){
public function listarArt(){
  return $this->detalle;
public function registrar(){
    //me conecto a la bd
    $conexion = Conexion::singleton_conexion(); 

    $queryid="select comprobante from identificadores;"; 
   foreach($array as $a){
    $id = $a['comprobante'];
  $qnuevoid="UPDATE identificadores SET comprobante=".++$id.";";
        $queryticket="insert into despensa.ticket (idticket, fecha, total,vuelto) values (".$id.",'".$this->fecha."',56,88);";

 }catch(Exception $e){
     echo "Fallo: " . $e->getMessage(); 


asked by Caruso 31.08.2018 в 20:13

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