Get best-selling products of the week CodeIgniter


I have this function in the Model, it is about the sales, but this makes reference to the table detalle_venta, which contains the products that were sold, then what I would like is to know how I can formulate the query so that I get the latest 5 best-selling products, thank you very much:

Query in the Model:

    public function productosmasVendidos(){
         $this->db->select(", p.nombre, p.condicion, p.stock, p.precio,SUM(dv.cantidad) as totalVendidos");
         $this->db->from("detalle_venta dv");
         $this->db->join("productos p", "dv.producto_id =");
         $this->db->join("ventas v", "dv.venta_id =");
         $this->db->where("ACA NO SE QUE PONER");
         $this->db->group_by("dv.producto_id"); //esto no se si esta bien
         $resultados = $this->db->get();
         return $resultados->result();

Ready here I leave the model code already solved:

public function getProductosmasVendidos(){
    $this->db->select(", p.codigo, p.nombre, p.condicion, p.stock, p.precio,SUM(dv.cantidad) as totalVendidos, c.nombre as categoria");
    $this->db->from("detalle_venta dv");
    $this->db->join("productos p", "dv.producto_id =");
    $this->db->join("ventas v", "dv.venta_id =");
    $this->db->join("categorias c","p.categoria_id =");
    $this->db->order_by("totalVendidos", "desc"); 
    $resultados = $this->db->get();
    return $resultados->result();

This is the Controller:

public function index()
    $data = array(
        'productosmvendidos' => $this->Ventas_model->getProductosmasVendidos(),



And here it would be in the view, I leave only the part of the div where the table will be:

<!--Productos mas vendidos-->
         <div style="background-color: white;" class="row">
                <div  class="col-md-12">
                    <div align="center">
                    <div calss="col-md-12 content-header"> <strong>Top 10 Productos mas Vendidos</strong></div>
                    <div class="col-md-12">
                        <div class="table-responsive "></div>
                    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
                            <?php if(!empty($productosmvendidos)):?>
                                <?php foreach($productosmvendidos as $pmv):?>

                                        <td><?php echo $pmv->codigo;?></td>
                                        <td><?php echo $pmv->nombre;?></td>
                                        <td><?php echo $pmv->categoria;?></td>

                                <?php endforeach;?>
                            <?php endif;?>
asked by WilsonicX 30.08.2018 в 07:46

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