How did I enter the super user mode in a fedora-based Linux distribution (ADIOS)?


Well ... I've been looking and unfortunately there's not much to see from the Linux ADIOS distribution I do not know if someone knows him or gives an idea of how to use it, it is the distribution my teacher works with and the problem is that when I want to change to super user mode, he asks me for a password and I do not know how to do it, and try "su" with "sudo" "sudo passwd root" but in any case it asks for a password, it seems to be blocked and I do not know how to do it ... if you are wondering why we use this distribution, you only told us because it comes with a package or I do not know what installed called "gcc" Well that's it, I just want to see what forms there are to be able to enter the super user mode, even if you are not familiar with this distribution, I would appreciate it if you would tell me the forms you know to be able to enter, as I will try all the necessary ones. .. ayudaaaa !!!

asked by Alvaro Machado 30.08.2018 в 07:41

1 answer


Start with the usb / dvd of the distribution in recovery mode. Edit the file / etc / shadow


should look like this:


In the next boot it will not ask you for the password when you go to root.

Do not forget to set password to root.

passwd root 
answered by 03.09.2018 в 15:45