How to change the language of phpBB in Google Cloud Platform installed with Bitnami?


According to the bitnami documentation. I downloaded the language pack I need link .

"After downloading it, unzip the .ZIP file and paste the language / and styles / directories into your phpBB installation."

The problem is that the installation is done in a Compute Engine VM and I have no idea where the phpBB installation is and I do not know how to upload files from my local machine to a specific route of the VM.

I have seen that there is a command to copy files between the VM and the local machine. gcloud compute scp but I can not make it work.

Does anyone enlighten me?

asked by Nacho 10.09.2018 в 14:11

1 answer


Once the language pack has been downloaded. We connect to the virtual machine by SSH. From the Google console you can upload the ZIP that we have downloaded directly. At the top right of the console we find the option "upload file" and upload it to the current directory or / home. The last thing is to unzip the ZIP and move the folder inside "htdocs", after entering the PHPbb control panel, we install the new language that should already appear as an option.

answered by 12.09.2018 в 13:23