Boostrap Table problem of multiple calls to my function


I have a boostrap table, configured and functional in each row I have put a button that will execute a function and change the color of the button.

initially I only worked the button on the first page, by using the pager I lost the function of the button and the color change.

I solved it, using on ('draw.dt') and calling the functions and verifying which button was pressed by a gobal variable and changing the color of the button.

But I have a conslole.log in the function, which I used to see that everything worked and I detect that the function is repeated several times as I use the pagination.

I have cleaned everything and I leave you a complete example ... that for another ... I think I'm getting complicated

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Documento sin título</title>

<script src="//"></script> 

<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<h2>Manage Users</h2>
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="userTable">
      <th> ID </th>
      <th> Name </th>
      <td> 1 </td>
      <td> RICHARD </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser1" userId = "1" userName="Richard">Select</a></td>
      <td> 2 </td>
      <td> LEONARD </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser2" userId = "2" userName="Leonard">Select</a></td>
      <td> 3 </td>
      <td> Cris </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser3" userId = "3" userName="Cris">Select</a></td>
      <td> 4 </td>
      <td> Eva </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser4" userId = "4" userName="eva">Select</a></td>
      <td> 5 </td>
      <td> Paco </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser5" userId = "5" userName="Paco">Select</a></td>
      <td> 6 </td>
      <td> Pedro </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser6" userId = "6" userName="Pedro">Select</a></td>
      <td> 7 </td>
      <td> Susan </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser7" userId = "7" userName="Susan">Select</a></td>
      <td> 8 </td>
      <td> April </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser8" userId = "8" userName="april">Select</a></td>
      <td> 9 </td>
      <td> Rose </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser9" userId = "9" userName="Rose">Select</a></td>
      <td> 10 </td>
      <td> Jenny </td>
      <td><a class="btn btn-primary selectButton" id="btnUser10" userId = "10" userName="jenny">Select</a></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
	//boostrap table init
    $(function () {
//boostrap table configure
 	"iDisplayLength": 5,
    "aLengthMenu": [[5, 10, 20, -1], [5, 10, 20, "All"]],
	paginate: true
	//select: true,

	// redraw table page
$('#userTable').on( 'draw.dt', function () {
    //alert( 'Table redrawn' );
	//if id (global) define, clear buttons class
	if (typeof id !== 'undefined') {
		//and add to id button

    	$('.selectButton').click(function() {
			var este = this;
} );
//first page action button
 $(document).ready(function() {
  $('.selectButton').click(function() {
	  var este = this;

//function for selectbuttons
function myFunction(este) {
	var userName = $(este).attr('userName');
	//create global var
	id	= $(este).attr('id');



asked by SPock 23.08.2018 в 16:03

0 answers