I have been looking for how to open an excel but I have only found how to open an excel already created:
os.system('start excel.exe "%s\file.xls"' % (sys.path[0], ))
What I'm doing is a "Do you want to open or save the excel?" window, but for the open option, since the excel has not been created and I do not want it to be saved in any I do not know how to tell him.
I was thinking about saving the file and then deleting it but I'm sure that in python
there is an option for this.
What I have so far is:
class modalExportacion(QWidget):
ruta = ""
fichero_actual = ""
def __init__(self, df):
self.df = df
self.setWindowTitle("Exportacion a excel")
contenedor = QGridLayout()
label_3 = QLabel()
label_3.setText("Desea abrir o guardar el excel?")
contenedor.addWidget(label_3, 1, 1)
btnAbrir = QPushButton("Abrir",None)
contenedor.addWidget(btnAbrir,2, 0)
btnGuardar = QPushButton("Guardar",None)
contenedor.addWidget(btnGuardar, 2, 1)
btnSalir = QPushButton("Salir",None)
contenedor.addWidget(btnSalir, 2, 2)
def abrir(self):
nombre_fichero = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Abrir fichero", self.ruta)
if nombre_fichero:
self.fichero_actual = nombre_fichero
self.ruta = QFileInfo(nombre_fichero).path()
# TODO - Aqui va el codigo
def guardar(self):
options = QFileDialog.Options()
# options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Guardar como...","","Excel (*.xls);;Todos los tipos (*)", options=options)
if fileName:
#escribimos los datos con pandas
self.df.to_excel(fileName, index=False)
def salir(self):