JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a standardized format based on the succession of key value pairs. What does this mean? That there is a list of elements in which each of them has a value and a name.
The standard format is this:
clave: valor
As you can see several values, they are separated by simple commas:
clave1: valor1,
clave2: valor2
Knowing that an object JSON
can contain, in turn, elements with the same format. Let's take a real example.
const persona = {
nombre: 'Juan',
edad: 23,
ciudad = {
nombre: 'Madrid',
país: 'España'
Receiving the data from a back-end, I understand that you will receive them in JSON
format directly, if you need to pair them with a String
or text format you would need to use the JavaScript function JSON.parse
. I'll give you another example:
const persona = "{nombre: 'Juan', edad: 23, ciudad = {nombre: 'Madrid', país: 'España'}}"
const persona_json = JSON.parse(persona);
Finally, JavaScript has a native facility to work with JSON objects, so to obtain such data you need to call them simply by a dot followed by their name. As simple as
alert("Hola " + persona.nombre);
If you want to search in depth, it's as simple as nesting points:
alert("Hola " + persona.nombre + ", " + persona.ciudad.nombre + " es una ciudad preciosa);
I think that with this you have the basics to work with a JSON. To load it you should call the Server since it should not be hosted in the premises of each client.
Regarding the CRUD question, I find it too generic to be answered point by point. If there is already a back-end, the part that consists of the modification, registration and deletion of data will be maintained, so your job is to make a registration form, a modification form and a view in which you can see and select to modify and delete all the data of such JSON.