Error trying to assign result to object


When I try to assign values to an object from a deialized result (from an API, JSon). I get the following error:

Unexpected token while deserializing object: PropertyName. Path 'studentID'.

Here is part of my code:

 resultJSonRequest = resultWebService;

IList<JToken> results = JasonResultList.ToList();

IList<Parameters> searchResults = new List<Parameters>();

searchResultsFromJason = searchResults;

foreach (JToken resultJAson in results)
    Parameters searchResult = resultJAson.ToObject<Parameters>();


Where I fall is on the line:

Parameters searchResult = resultJAson.ToObject<Parameters>();

This is my class parameters:

    class Parameters
         public string studentID { get; set; }
         public string facultyID { get; set; }

Do you know how to fix it?


asked by user3790916 14.08.2018 в 20:17

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