I am creating a user login, but I want to create a user image, as a base image, when I create the created user, by this I mean for example facebook
, that at At the moment you create an account, a pictogram of a man or a woman appears as a profile picture, I want to do something similar in my login, could someone guide me on how to do it? here the code that generates the user.
token, _ = APP.Jwt.GenerateToken(jwt.MapClaims{
"iat": APP.Jwt.GenerateIAT(),
"exp": APP.Jwt.GenerateEXP(),
"iss": APP.Jwt.GenerateISS(),
"aud": APP.Jwt.GenerateAUD(),
"jti": APP.Jwt.GenerateJTI(),
"sub": APP.Jwt.GenerateSUB(),
"id": u.ID.Hex(),
"email": u.Email,
"phone": u.Phonenumber,
"username": u.Username,
"bio": u.Biography,
"age": u.Age,
"nickname": u.Nickname,
"createdAt": u.CreatedAt,
It should be noted that the pictogram that I use are local.