Difference between structures and classes in C ++


What is the difference in C ++ between a structure and a class? According to what I understand, a structure is the way in c ++ to create an object, just as in python class is used.

asked by Jogofus 01.12.2016 в 21:59

3 answers


The only difference between class and struct is the visibility of its members, being the members of struct public by default while those of class are private by default.

Obviating that difference, both constructs are the same:

Both can be used in inheritance

struct A {};
class B {};

struct C : public A, public B {};
class D : public A, public B {};

This implies that both can also have pure virtual, virtual functions, overwrite functions and use any level of inheritance.

Both can have public, protected and private members

struct S
    int publico; // miembro publico.
    int protegido; // miembro protegido.
    int privado; // miembro privado.
class C
    int privado; // miembro privado.
    int protegido; // miembro protegido.
    int publico; // miembro publico.

Both auto-generate special functions

In both cases, if it is not explicitly defined, it will be automatically created:

  • Constructor by default.
  • Copy builder.
  • Motion constructor.
  • Copy-assignment operator.
  • Destroyer.

Both can be pre-declared

struct S; // pre-declaracion de S
class C; // pre-declaracion de C

struct S { int i; }; // declaracion de S
class C { int i; }; // declaracion de C

I wanted to mention this point because it is possible to pre-declare an object as class and then declare it as struct (and vice versa); Most compilers accept this although they usually show an alarm.

Both have the same structure in memory

A class and a structure with the same members in the same order, will occupy the same in memory and will have the same padding between members.

struct S { char c; short s; int i; float f; double d; };
class C { char c; short s; int i; float f; double d; };

static_assert(sizeof(S) == sizeof(C)); // Verdadero!
answered by 02.12.2016 / 09:10

In C ++ struct and class are practically the same, with the only difference that in a struct the default members are public and in a class by default they are private.

A struct may contain the same as a class , methods, constructors, destructors, inheritance.

answered by 01.12.2016 в 22:06

Apart from what is mentioned in other responses on the subject of visibility (topic that I will not comment on because it is already well documented in other responses) there is a second difference between the use of struct and class and is in the case of template :

class can be used to declare types for template , while struct no:

// ok
template<class T>
void func1(T t)
{ std::cout << t << '\n'; }

// ok
template<typename T>
void func2(T t)
{ std::cout << t << '\n'; }

// error
template<struct T>
void func3(T t)
{ std::cout << t << '\n'; }
answered by 02.12.2016 в 11:19