I want to separate the attributes of a txt


I have a question as to how many attributes a file has for example

then I have part of my code where I recognize that there are 2 tables in this file but what I want to do is determine the number of attributes in each table for example in the table school_curso has two attributes but I need to take the number of any file.

contador = 0
tabla = 'CREATE TABLE'
ocurrencias = []
with open(ruta) as lineas:
    for linea in lineas:
        if tabla in linea:
            contador+= 1
#-------Impresión en la ventana secundaria
tk.Label(ventanaCalcular, text="NT = ",font=("Agency FB", 14)).place(x=140, y=70)
tk.Label(ventanaCalcular, text=contador,font=("Agency FB", 14)).place(x=180, y=70)
tk.Label(ventanaCalcular, text="Tablas",font=("Agency FB", 14)).place(x=200, y=70)
asked by aryam 22.08.2018 в 04:04

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