I'm new to Python and I have to solve this exercise:
Develop a program for the check function that calculates and returns the REGISTRATION_TIME_TIME_DATE_LABORATE of a worker in a day starting from the parameters TIME_IN_ENTERED AND TIME_IN_SETTING
Suppose that the one that paid per hour worked is 12, elaborate another program that uses the previous one to calculate the time worked of a fortnight for 20 workers and that write a list with TIME_QUINCENAL_LABORATED and its corresponding PAYMENT_OF_MATH
Since I am new to Python and my teacher wants us to do the exercise but has not taught us anything, if not that he wants us to investigate on our own, I could only think of this:
hora_de_llegada=int(input("ingrese horario de entrada:"))
hora_de_salida=int(input("ingrese horario de salida"))
horas_laboradas= hora_de_salida - hora_de_llegada
print ("las horas que tabajo son :"+str(horas_laboradas))
while (n!=20):
hora_de_llegada=int(input("ingrese horario de entrada:"))
hora_de_salida=int(input("ingrese horario de salida"))
horas_laboradas= hora_de_salida - hora_de_llegada
print ("las horas que tabajo son :"+str(horas_laboradas))
The problem is that running it only tells me the time worked for the first 2 data inserted, then I keep inserting the data but it no longer returns the time worked and the cycle never ends.
The version of Python that I occupy is 3.5.2