export to ovf or ova format Ovm manager 3.4.4 from the cli


I am trying to export a virtual machine in ova or ovf format from oracle VM Manager 3.4.4 I use the following command:

ssh admin@localhost -p 10000 "exportVirtualAppliance REPOSITORIO name=myvm  \vms=0004fb000006000061d443224aee4fdf"

But this one returns the following error:


Command 'vms = 0004fb000006000061d443224aee4fdf' is not supported.

asked by Javi Oseguera 14.08.2018 в 16:28

1 answer


I have been able to solve the problem in the following way:

  • Perform a clean installation of the oracle VM 3.4.4 on a new oracle linux 7 Server

  • Obtain the UUID of the Pool in the oracle VM server go to cd / etc / ova-agent / db and run the command ovs-agent-db dump_db server (Observe the option manager_uuid) for example "0004fb0000010000e48a2ccbc5ac498e".

  • Mount the cdrom and continue with the installation, stop when you run the installer and place: ./runInstaller.sh --uuid 0004fb0000010000e48a2ccbc5ac498e

  • Then discover the POOl and the virtual machines.

  • answered by 15.08.2018 в 23:49