p: selectBooleanButton INSIDE p: tab JSF PRIMFACES (I get an error, I do not get the action of pressing the button)


I have the following code inserted inside a p: tab, the case is that if I take it from the p: tab if it works for me but inside the no. I've been a while and I do not get anything.

                            <div class="row col-sm-12 text-center"
                                style="display: flex; margin: 10px;">
                                <div class="col-xs-6">
                                    <p:outputLabel value="TX:" styleClass="col-sm-3" />
                                    <p:selectBooleanButton id="value2"
                                        style="background: #2f5879;color: #fff !important;"
                                        onLabel="MANUAL" offLabel="AUTOMÁTICO" styleClass="col-sm-6">
                                        <p:ajax process="@this" event="change"
                                            update="form:tabViewChannelControl:transmitButtonLine" />
                                <div class="col-xs-6">
                                    <p:outputLabel value="Mensajes en cola TX:"
                                        styleClass="col-sm-6" />
                                    <p:outputLabel value="#{channelControlBean.count}"
                                        styleClass="col-sm-6" />
asked by Manuee 09.08.2018 в 13:22

1 answer


Fixed, I was having a problem with class col-sm-12 , I do not understand why, but by doing trial and error by removing code I discovered that it was the only way that it failed.

answered by 10.08.2018 / 12:57