java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc: mysql // localhost: 3306 / rch Spring MVC [duplicate]


Hello, I hope and someone can help me. I have a mysql connection problem with spring mvc and weblogic.

The exception thrown at me is the following.


Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Not suitable driver found for jdbc: mysql // localhost: 3306 / rch at     java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection ( at     java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection ( at     org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnectionFromDriverManager (       at     org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnectionFromDriver (       at     org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.AbstractDriverBasedDataSource.getConnectionFromDriver (       at     org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.AbstractDriverBasedDataSource.getConnection (       at     org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.internal.DatasourceConnectionProviderImpl.getConnection (       at     org.hibernate.internal.NonContextualJdbcConnectionAccess.obtainConnection (       at     org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.internal.LogicalConnectionManagedImpl.acquireConnectionIfNeeded (       ... 56 more


This is my Datasource connection code.

    public DataSource rchDs() {
        DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
        dataSource.setPassword("admin"); StringBuilder("getDataSource:").append(" ").append(dataSource));
        return dataSource;

and my deployment in weblogic and data source is working correctly.

I'm missing something to configure. I use spring mvc and mysql. Thanks.

asked by J V 05.08.2018 в 01:48

1 answer


Your application does not have the driver (the connector) for MySQL and therefore can not connect to the database.

  • If you use Maven in your project, add the corresponding dependency to your file pom.xml .

    <!-- dentro de la sección de dependencies -->
  • If you do not use Maven, download the MySQL connector and place the file .jar in the WEB-INF folder of the web project.

answered by 05.08.2018 в 03:56