I come to you because I already exhaust the options. I already checked the answers and none of them answered my problem to see if you see the error ... This is my code:
WHERE 'Clave'=:m_Clave";
this is the connection with the BBDD
$base=new PDO("mysql:host=localhost; dbname=antojitos_factory", "root", "");
$base->exec("SET CHARACTER SET UTF8");
}catch(Exception $e){
die('¡Error! ->' . $e->getMessage());
echo "Error en la Linea: " . $e->getLine();
the error is given to me in the "execute" .. I do not see the fault, the table has all the fields to update ... already check all the fields; and according to me everything is fine I do not see the flaw.
The table has the fields that are seen when defining the variables; and in that order are the fields
I hope you can help me
Thank you for your support ...