PHP strftime delete fix


I am creating an arrangement to fill a table with the query of a database, at the time of bringing the dates that are saved I format them in Spanish to pass them to the arrangement but it does not show anything.

This is the php:

$sql = "SELECT *";
$sql.=" FROM registros where estado = 'pendiente'";
$query=mysqli_query($conexion, $sql) or die("ajax-grid-data.php: get PO");
$data = array();
while( $row=mysqli_fetch_array($query) ) {
    $dir = $row["dir_obra"];
    $time = $row["hora"];
    $fecha = $row["fecha_entrega"];
    $date = new DateTime($time);
    $datef = new DateTime($fecha);
    $hora12 = $date->format("h:i");
    $newfecha = $datef->format('l jS \of F Y');
    $hora= $hora12;
    $fechaf = $newfecha;

    $fecha_entrega = new DateTime($row["fecha_entrega"]);
    //echo strftime("%c", $fecha_entrega->getTimestamp())."<br/>";
    $fecha_entrega_esp = strftime("%a, %d de %B del %G", $fecha_entrega->getTimestamp())."<br/>";
    //echo $fecha_entrega_esp;

    $fechahr = $fechaf." ".$hora;
    $dirind = $dir." ".$row["indicaciones"];


    $nestedData["id"]             = $row["id"];
    $nestedData["cliente"]        = $row["cliente"];
    $nestedData["metodo_pago"]    = $row["metodo_pago"];
    $nestedData["fechahr"]        = strftime("%a, %d de %B del %G", $fecha_entrega->getTimestamp())."<br/>";
    $nestedData["fecha_registro"] = $row["fecha_registro"];
    $nestedData["dir_obra"]       = $dir;
    $nestedData["indicaciones"]   = $row["indicaciones"];
    $nestedData["resistencia"]    = $row["resistencia"];
    $nestedData["pu"]             = $row["pu"];
    $nestedData["tiro"]           = $row["tiro"];
    $nestedData["m3"]             = $row["m3"];
    $nestedData["ton"]            = $row["ton"];
    $nestedData["elem_colar"]     = $row["elem_colar"];
    $nestedData["revenimiento"]   = $row["revenimiento"];
    $nestedData["adicionales"]    = $row["adicionales"];
    $nestedData["padd"]           = $row["padd"];
    $nestedData["responsable"]    = $row["responsable"];
    $nestedData["fecha_entrega"]  = strftime("%a, %d de %B del %G", $fecha_entrega->getTimestamp());
    $nestedData["hora"]           = $hora;
    $nestedData["dirind"]         = $dirind;

    $data[]                       = $nestedData;
$json_data = array("data" => $data);
echo json_encode($json_data);

The weirdest thing is that yesterday I implemented it for the first time and it worked but not today, also when I add any other format or date variable works perfectly.

asked by Carlos Roberto Luna Ochoa 03.08.2018 в 17:00

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