How to package in cx_freeze


I hope you can help me, I'm starting to use cx_freeze, to do the packaging of a job, but I do not know how to add everything I have in total.


  • folder with images
  • folder with a sqlite3 database
  • Standalone folder with a .json

Among the bookstores that I will need were:

  • PyQt5
  • threading
  • firebase_admin
  • sqlite3
  • escpos

The module that diapara todo is the module

This is the script that I have generated so far

 import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

includefiles = ['Traspasos.ui','ticket.ui','Registro.ui','Login.ui','Inicio.ui','Edit_user.ui','busqueda.ui',]
includes = []
excludes = ['tkinter']
packages = []

    name = 'All_EXE',
    version = '1.0',
    description = 'Point',
    options = {'build_exe':{'includes':includes,
                            'packages': packages,
    executables = [Executable('',base='win32GUI')]


and this is a capture of all the files I have in total.

This is the error that it throws once I try to open the new file.exe

asked by Mystic_Force 03.08.2018 в 19:09

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