I am consuming an API from angular, my problem goes when I want is to fill an autocomplete chip data for that I am using angular2-materialize, but according to its structure it should look like this:
autocompleteInit = {
autocompleteOptions: {
data: {
'Apple': null,
'Microsoft': null,
'Google': null
limit: Infinity,
minLength: 1
This would be my angle code: Service:
getAlltags():Observable<Array<Tag>> {
return this.http.post<Array<Tag>>(this.url + "list", "");
Component that I want to use the data:
this.tagService.getAlltags().subscribe((tagsParametro) => {
this.tags = tagsParametro;
tagsParametro.forEach(tag => {
this.map.set(tag.name, null);
this.autocompleteInit.autocompleteOptions.data = tagsParametro;
As you can see I have an Array of "tags" that has attributes name: string, id: number, color: string but I just want the name so I create a map where I just add the names, but I want it to become JSON to be able to use it in angular, like the model specifically "data"