Hello guys, greetings from before anything. this time I need your support in a method I'm doing.
I'm joining an inner join but no mysql tells me that the syntax is not correct
the method shows me the data in a Jtable and search according to the parameter indicated.
public DefaultTableModel mostrar(String buscar) {
DefaultTableModel modelo;
//titulo de la columna
String[] titulos = {"ID", "Nombre", "APaterno", "AMATERNO", "Doc", "Numero Documento", "Direccion", "Telefonos", "Email", "Codigo"};
String[] registro = new String[10];
totalregistros = 0;
modelo = new DefaultTableModel(null, titulos);
//concateno la sentencia Like con buscar
sSQL = "select p.idpersona,p.nombre,p.apaterno,p.amaterno,p.tipo_documento,"
+ "p.numero_documento,p.direccion,p.telefono,p.email,c.cod_cliente from persona as p inner join cliente as c"
+ "on (p.idpersona = c.idpersona) where numero_documento like '%" + buscar + "%' order by idpersona desc";
try {
Statement st = cn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sSQL);
while (rs.next()) {
registro[0] = rs.getString("idpersona");
registro[1] = rs.getString("nombre");
registro[2] = rs.getString("apaterno");
registro[3] = rs.getString("amaterno");
registro[4] = rs.getString("tipo_documento");
registro[5] = rs.getString("numero_documento");
registro[6] = rs.getString("direccion");
registro[7] = rs.getString("telefomo");
registro[8] = rs.getString("email");
registro[9] = rs.getString("cod_cliente");
totalregistros = totalregistros + 1; //esta linea va contando los regitros
return modelo; //aqui lavariable modelo ya tiene guardaado todo lo del resulset
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);
return null;
}//fin del metodo mostrar