I'm doing a 3-band simulator game "billiards" and the problem is that I manage to limit the movement of the ball to one side, I enter the rest of the commands and those are no longer executed.
* the instruction that carries an asterisk is the one that does not execute
ventana.blit( roja,recr )
if (a==1):
ventana.blit( amarilla,reca )
reca.centerx = reca.centerx+xa
reca.centery = reca.centery+ya
if (reca.centerx >930):
cont =cont+1
if (reca.centery < 80):
cont =cont+1
if (a==2):
reca.centerx = reca.centerx-rxa
reca.centery= reca.centery-rya
*if (a==3):*
reca.centerx = reca.centerx-1
reca.centery = reca.centery+1
if (c==1):
ventana.blit( blanca,recb )
recb.centerx = 250
recb.centery = 250
ventana.blit( t1,(rect1 ))