What I am trying to do is to add the values that are selected in the select, I do not know if my method is correct, but if it can be solved I would appreciate it, and if it is better to do it in another way please I hope of an idea of how to fix it.
First you should create your form in the frontend, which will have several labels that within them will be already defined with the questions that you are extracting from the query of your DB an example would be:
<label><?php $question->description; ?>"</label>
that would be in the part of the frontend for each of your questions, on the side of the backend where you are managing your route you would have to do the sql query to the database that brings you all the questions and then you would have to do a return of that variable in your view, it would be something like this in your route:
$questions = query("SELECT * FROM questions");
return ['questions' => $questions];
Here he will return an array so you have to iterate something like this
<?php foreach($questions as $question):?>
<label><?php $question->description; ?></label>
<input type="text"/>
<?php endforeach ?>