xsd a class cs de c # star


I am doing the conversion of xsd to classes in c # but it makes me errors. Create a folder inside C: \ STAR where I put the REV5.6.4 of STAR_Schema_564_GSS-2018-06-11 there I put all the files that I need to convert my main xsd that it is ProcessCustomerInformation.xsd but it marks me the following error attached images of how I have in the folders and in the converter. The error is:


Error: Error generating classes for the schema   'ProcessCustomerInformation_CustomerInformation_Meta_DeprecatedComponents_UnqualifiedDataTypes_CodeLists_QualifiedDataTypes_QualifiedDataTypes2_Components_CodeLists2_Components2_CodeList_CurrencyCode_ISO_7_04_CodeList_LanguageCode_ISO_7_04_CodeList_MIMEMediaTypeCode_IANA_7_04_CodeList_UnitCode_UNECE_7_04'.     - The scheme with targetNamespace = ' link ' has a   invalid syntax The targetNamespace element   ' link ' to an included / redefined outline   must match the targetNamespace element   ' link ' of the schema that includes it.   Line 19, position 5.     - The targetNamespace element ' link ' of an included / redefined outline must match the element   targetNamespace ' link ' of the schema   which includes it.

and the script that I use is:

xsd ProcessCustomerInformation.xsd CustomerInformation.xsd Meta.xsd DeprecatedComponents.xsd UnqualifiedDataTypes.xsd CodeLists.xsd QualifiedDataTypes.xsd QualifiedDataTypes2.xsd Components.xsd CodeLists2.xsd Components2.xsd CodeList_CurrencyCode_ISO_7_04.xsd CodeList_LanguageCode_ISO_7_04.xsd CodeList_MIMEMediaTypeCode_IANA_7_04.xsd CodeList_UnitCode_UNECE_7_04.xsd /classes /language:cs /out:c:\star\

asked by adrian medina 07.08.2018 в 20:04

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