Google Cloud SSH access


I have a server in Google Cloud and I used the SSH access to edit, install and change files. The problem is that I was looking for a way to install a FTP access and used: apt-get install vsftpd libpam-pwdfile and I changed the file vsftpd.conf that is located in /etc/vsftpd.conf .

After the change I lost all access to the server with SSH and I can no longer undo what I did.

How can I solve the problem? How can I create a FTP access without fucking access SSH ?

Try to follow this tutorial: link

asked by Gabriel 17.07.2018 в 17:13

1 answer


You can try to reset the machine in the Compute Engine menu > VM instances, select your machine and then execute restart or reset. Before creating a backup of your disk.

Or maybe you can access by selecting the option to connect by ssh in the instance panel. Or try another of the options listed in the menu. For example, with

gcloud compute --project "tu proyecto" ssh --zone "tu zona" "el nombre de tu instancia"

This string is generated when you press the view gcloud command option in the drop-down menu in the "Connect" column in the instance you select.

Once you run that command, it will ask you to authenticate with your mail associated with the project and then you can run that with your cloud sdk and it will run through PUTTY.

That's to see if you can re-enter by ssh . If you can already enter, you can use sftp to connect to that instance.

sftp usuario@host
answered by 03.12.2018 в 14:32