Replace words from one column in another column in a text


I am trying to replace words from one column in another column in a text:



While these delays were noted, active nuclear power plants have been building individual warehouses within their facilities to store the dangerous spent fuel from their reactors.

Column text:


verify, they verified


this, these


delay, delays


the, the


central, central


nuclear, nuclear


have, have


go, gone


build, build


warehouse, warehouses


individual, individual


its, its


installation, installations


spend, spent


reactor, reactors


meter, m


second, s


page, p


actor, actors


import csv

with open('teste_es.csv', 'r') as f, open('lemas-lexemas.csv', 'r') as c:
    csv_texto = csv.reader(f)
    csv_lemas = csv.reader(c, delimiter = ',')

    for p in csv_texto:
        texto = ''.join(p)
        texto = texto.lower()

        for tokens in csv_lemas:
            lemas = tokens[0]
            lexemes = tokens[1]

            nuevo_texto = texto.replace(lexemes, lemas) 

            texto = nuevo_texto




Within a second second, the rear-end cluster or the active nuclear power station will have to be converted to a single centimeter within seconds, depending on the page to save the second page, or it will be possible to drill down from the second reactor.

The problem is that my program replaces letters within words:

while it became metro in the second because the first letter "m" is replaced by "metro". I do not know how to make each word be replaced. Yes I can use split (), but I have many lines in my text and I can not lose them (if I do a split () and then a join (), I lose my split lines)

asked by marin 18.07.2018 в 17:38

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