I have a question that I can not solve with Mysql:
How can I do the query in this case to obtain the name of the client and the name of the company?
I hope for help since I am very involved with this.
Thank you!!
E.Empresa_descrip AS EMPRESA,
C.cliente_nombre AS NOMBRE
FROM Invitacion I
INNER JOIN Clientes C ON I.Id_Cliente = C.cliente_id
INNER JOIN Empresa E ON C.empresa_id = E.Empresa_id
WHERE I.Id_Invitado = 'IdInvitado' AND C.Cliente_nombre = 'NombreCliente'
You must chain with JOIN the tables involved in each jump. Please note that I am linking INVITATION with CLIENTS and CLIENTS with COMPANY.
You can read more here about the use of joins
You can generate with joins what you report as I show in the following example:
Tabla Regiones
Tabla Provincias
Tabla Comunas
provincia (FK)
SELECT c.comuna, p.provincia, r.region FROM Comunas c
INNER JOIN Provincias p (ON c.idprovincia= p.idprovincia)
INNER JOIN Regiones r (ON r.IdRegion = p.IdRegion)
with each Join you add the fields you require from the tables thanks to the aliases. Greetings, I hope it will be useful. Now with the purpose of giving rpta to the tables you mention would be as follows:
c.cliente_nombre AS NombreCliente,
e.Empresa_descrip AS DescripcionEmpresa
FROM Invitacion i
INNER JOIN Clientes c (ON i.Id_Cliente = c.cliente_id)
INNER JOIN empresa e (ON c.empresa_id = e.Empresa_id)
WHERE i.Id_invitado = 'TuIdInvitado';