Get data from a geojson file


How can I access a geojson file (I want to consume it just like a web services (json) but the way I'm accessing is not correct)

This is the structure of the geojson file in order to obtain the coordinates

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "Prueba",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Name": null, "description": null, "OBJECTID_1": 128472.0, "OBJECTID": 290914.0, "PERIMETRO": 0.0, "X_COORD": 437737.6081, "Y_COORD": 2134066.62689, "ZONA": "0", "NIS": 5018729.0, "SHAPE_AREA": 49.75133801 }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -99.592587193348805, 19.299412474978499 ], [ -99.592611366383096, 19.299411763928401 ], [ -99.592665429535401, 19.299409980757801 ], [ -99.592665923795295, 19.299425917730201 ], [ -99.592666668856594, 19.2994499176136 ], [ -99.592667126499805, 19.299464672663699 ], [ -99.592612799576401, 19.299466162084801 ], [ -99.592588435851894, 19.299466783384101 ], [ -99.592587536797694, 19.299428559744101 ], [ -99.592587193348805, 19.299412474978499 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "Name": null, "description": null, "OBJECTID_1": 128475.0, "OBJECTID": 23478.0, "PERIMETRO": 0.0, "X_COORD": 437644.56176000001, "Y_COORD": 2134016.79904, "ZONA": "0", "NIS": 5018838.0, "SHAPE_AREA": 63.77637337 }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -99.593458719656795, 19.2989597483915 ], [ -99.593485481282798, 19.298959242990499 ], [ -99.593561809568996, 19.298957729685998 ], [ -99.593563239157206, 19.2990110434008 ], [ -99.593511560357001, 19.2990120247301 ], [ -99.593477202675302, 19.299012588263199 ], [ -99.593460377046199, 19.299012896893899 ], [ -99.593459918594405, 19.298998200589899 ], [ -99.593459170569403, 19.2989742016245 ], [ -99.593458719656795, 19.2989597483915 ] ] ] ] } }

Any ideas to get the cordage?

(PS: I'm doing it in Angular (typescript))

asked by Luis 13.07.2018 в 00:51

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