I appreciate the support in advance:
I have a project to which I added a form with a ReportViewer and a dataset directly, if in this element everything is working correctly and the form in cuastion displays that it has no record (this is expected).
Later I add a Report (referring to the dataset) and add code for its filling.
The problem is that when executing the debug it shows:
------ Build started: Project: WindowsApplication2, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
If I continue to continue, please send me a message (I have an English version):
Visual Studio can not start debugging because of the debug card C: ... \ ProjectAdmon.exe is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set the OutPutPath and AssemblyName propierties apropriately to point the correct location for the target assembly.
I have defined OutPutPath = debug
and AssemblyName = any CPU
I've been seeing forums for several days, reviewing manuals and not understanding or not looking well, but I'm worried about not knowing how to fix it.