how to sign an xml with xml signature


My problem is to sign an xml to get the values of digest and digest with some https certificates in the consumption of a ws, the person who requests it gave us an example where he uses a keystore as far as I have read this file is only valid in java how could i do this in php oc #?

in the soapui what happened to me of example is.Add the keystore in this part

later in the petition this is done.

and ready in soap ui there already signs it and it is valid but I can not replicate the same thing with php.

I hope you can help me thanks and regards.

asked by Luis Fernando 19.07.2018 в 00:41

1 answer


As far as I can understand, I think I did something similar in C #. I had to consume a web service that received a signed request with a certificate and I returned a token.

  • I had to build the xml corresponding to the token request
  • In my case the nodes were related, that is, you have to generate the digest of a Timespan (in my case) and that digest is inserted in the next node, that node includes certificate information and now it is with the key private you will sign the node that has the first digest and the info of the certificate.

  • I did not install the certifcate in the store, I just read it from a specific route but it is also not easy to recover it.

answered by 20.08.2018 в 02:11