I am trying to create a table with editable fields and at the end of the table that has an update button, this is my sentence when I pass the update (the table and the update I try to keep it as simple as possible afterwards. It's hard to see what I did : o):
$query = "UPDATE usuarios SET
incdia ='$incdia1',
pago ='$pago1',
sueldos ='$sueldos1',
Pasajes ='$pasajes1',
dias_trabajados ='$dias_trabajados1',
dias_adicionales ='$dias_adicionales1'
WHERE Id_usuario = '$id' ";
I'm working on SQL server and something has happened VERY rraro when running my Querry I do not get error update the first 833 items but after there is nothing saved or update anything
I find it strange because it stops working in the middle of the table and the previous thing does perfectly
I have more experience in phpmyadmin and is the first time I face SQL server for a page, will it have any restrictions or something where I can correct?