I have a datalist who gets the options of a rest service. At first the datalist does not have the options, it is empty. When you click on the element (1st click - focus) you get the values for the options but the datalist is not displayed, it is necessary to make another click (2nd click) to open the datalist. Once I have the options, it works normally.
Is there a way to display ( open ) a datalist by code, after loading the options received in the rest.?
I add the relevant portion of the code.
The data is loaded correctly in " uas
" (shows the spiner, etc) but does not display the datalist. It is necessary to make a 2nd click to display it.
<div class="threecol">
<label for="ua">Seleccione</label> <input
type="text" class="form-control" id="ua" name="ua"
[(ngModel)]="model.ua" #ua="ngModel"
(focus)="recuperarDatos()"/> //trae las opciones
<datalist id="uasId">
<option *ngFor="let ua of uas" [ngValue]="ua.id">{{ua.id}}
class example {
this.uas = obtenerDatosByRest(); //opciones
//aca obtener el datalist y desplegarlo