I have to make a calculator, but I need to know how to encode the priority matrix, so that for example, first multiply and then add.
I have to make a calculator, but I need to know how to encode the priority matrix, so that for example, first multiply and then add.
public static int matriz(String s){
int r = 0;
case "+":
case "-":
r = 1;
case "*":
case "/":
r = 2;
return r;
Also in this way you could do it since you only want to know if it is important or not
You have two ways of making a priority matrix, one is using a Hashmap within another Hashmap
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> doubleKeyMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String,Object>>();
// Agregar valores
doubleKeyMap.put("key1A", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{put("key2A", "Test");}});
doubleKeyMap.put("key1B", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{put("key2B", 123);}});
doubleKeyMap.put("key1C", new HashMap<String, Object>(){{put("key2C", false);}});
// Leer valores
doubleKeyMap.get("key1A").get("key2A"); // Test (String)
doubleKeyMap.get("key1B").get("key2B"); // 123 (int)
doubleKeyMap.get("key1C").get("key1C"); // false (boolean)
doubleKeyMap.get("key1A").get("key2B"); // null (No existe la combinación de keys)
or you can create a Hashmap where you can enter the sign you enter first and the content a method where the other signs are related
public class MatrizPrioridad {
public static int matriz() {
* ArrayList<Contenido> matriz = new ArrayList<Contenido>(); Contenido cont;
// HashMap<Entry<Character, Character>, Integer> matriz = new
// HashMap<Entry<Character,Character>, Integer>();
* Pair<Character, Character> suma_resta = new Pair<Character, Character>('+',
* '-'); Pair
* matriz.put(suma, 1); matriz.put(suma_resta, 0);
// matriz.add(cont);
// Map<new Map<Character, Character>, Integer> matriz = new Map<new
// Map<Character, Character>, Integer>;
HashMap<HashMap<Character, Character>, Integer> matriz = new HashMap<HashMap<Character, Character>, Integer>();
matriz.put(new HashMap<Character, Character>() {
put('+', '+');
}, 1);
// prueba
return matriz.get('+');
public static Integer matrizSuma(Character obten) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> suma = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
suma.put('+', 1);
suma.put('-', 1);
suma.put('*', 0);
suma.put('/', 0);
suma.put('^', 0);
Integer resultado = null;
resultado = suma.get(obten);
return resultado;
public static Integer matrizResta(Character obten) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> resta = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
resta.put('+', 1);
resta.put('-', 1);
resta.put('*', 0);
resta.put('/', 0);
resta.put('^', 0);
Integer resultado = null;
resultado = resta.get(obten);
return resultado;
public static Integer matrizMultiplica(Character obten) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> multiplica = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
multiplica.put('+', 1);
multiplica.put('-', 1);
multiplica.put('*', 1);
multiplica.put('/', 1);
multiplica.put('^', 0);
Integer resultado = null;
resultado = multiplica.get(obten);
return resultado;
public static Integer matrizDivide(Character obten) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> deivide = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
deivide.put('+', 1);
deivide.put('-', 1);
deivide.put('*', 1);
deivide.put('/', 1);
deivide.put('^', 0);
Integer resultado = null;
resultado = deivide.get(obten);
return resultado;
public static Integer matrizPotencia(Character obten) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> potencia = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
potencia.put('+', 1);
potencia.put('-', 1);
potencia.put('*', 1);
potencia.put('/', 1);
potencia.put('^', 1);
Integer resultado = potencia.get(obten);
return resultado;
* public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(matrizSuma('/'));
* System.out.println(matrizResta('-'));
* System.out.println(matrizMultiplica('+'));
* System.out.println(matrizDivide('+'));
* }
public Integer matrizPrincipal(Character signo, Character obten) {
// HashMap<Character, Integer> matriz = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
Integer respuesta = null;
if (signo.equals('+')) {
respuesta = matrizSuma(obten);
// EncontrarComando.addOp(new Suma());
// System.out.println(matrizSuma(obten));
} else {
if (signo.equals('-')) {
respuesta = matrizResta(obten);
// EncontrarComando.addOp(new Resta());
} else {
if (signo.equals('*')) {
respuesta = matrizMultiplica(obten);
// EncontrarComando.addOp(new Multiplica());
} else {
if (signo.equals('/')) {
respuesta = matrizDivide(obten);
// EncontrarComando.addOp(new Divide());
} else {
if (signo.equals('^')) {
respuesta = matrizPotencia(obten);
} else {
if (signo.equals('p')) {
respuesta = 1;
* if(respuesta == 1) { ActivarComando.activar(obten); }else {
* ActivarComando.activar(signo); }
return respuesta;
// return matriz.get(obten);
Depending on the problem you are proposing, try to make a matrix for each operator in the following way:
public static Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Integer>> matriz;
public static Hashtable<String, Integer> suma = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
public static Hashtable<String, Integer> resta = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
public static Hashtable<String, Integer> multiplacion = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
public static Hashtable<String, Integer> division = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
public static void llenarMatrizDePrioridad() {
if (matriz == null)
matriz = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Integer>>();
suma.put("+", 1);
suma.put("-", 1);
suma.put("*", 0);
suma.put("/", 0);
resta.put("+", 1);
resta.put("-", 1);
resta.put("*", 0);
resta.put("/", 0);
multiplacion.put("+", 1);
multiplacion.put("-", 1);
multiplacion.put("*", 1);
multiplacion.put("/", 1);
division.put("+", 1);
division.put("-", 1);
division.put("*", 1);
division.put("/", 1);
matriz.put("+", suma);
matriz.put("-", resta);
matriz.put("*", multiplacion);
matriz.put("/", division);
I hope this helps you.