Sort lines after a readfile?


I have a file with several lines such that:


I have created a program that reads each line and separates it by commas. I need to order the file lines according to the last value of each line.

while True:
if not linea:break


The problem that I find is that instead of each lect_linea being saved as an object and having as many lines as there is a single value appears in the list with all lect_linea together.

I have asked a couple of times and I have not obtained anything that works, please help

asked by Xabier Mikel 07.07.2018 в 04:18

1 answer


You already have a "list of lists" in variable lectura . What you want now is to order by the last element of each of those lines. For this, sorted() is used, passing it a function to access the last element:

lectura_ordenada = sorted(lectura, key=lambda x: x[-1])

I do not know what the purpose of this sorting will be, if you want to then save it again in a file or if you want to create "objects" of some kind.

Suppose we want to read the lines of a file, sort them by the last value, and store them again in another file. It can be done in a direct way like this:

def ultimo(linea):
    return linea.split(",")[-1]

with open("entrada.txt") as f_in, open("salida.txt","w") as f_out:
    f_out.writelines(sorted(f_in.readlines(), key=ultimo))
answered by 07.07.2018 в 09:23