I am having problems to read whole lines from the serial port in linux. I have a gps that connects to the serial port and I can not get the lines read from it to arrive complete. I put the code that I have (taken from the Terminal Example Example of QT.) In that example, they send what they receive to a QPlainTextEdit, and they show the QPlainTextEdit so they are "pretty" the output ... but I need the complete line to process it Here is my code (it is worth clarifying that the new is done in another part of the code):
void MainWindow::openSerialPort()
connect(m_serial, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::readData);
if (m_serial->open(QIODevice::Read)) {
qDebug() << "Conectado Correctamente!";
} else {
qDebug() << "Error al conectar!";
void MainWindow::readData()
const QByteArray data = m_serial->readAll();
qDebug() << data << endl;
And the output obtained is as follows:
Connected Properly!
"DAA, -61.262786, -37.245445,587.6,0.1,288.6,40718,20505200,7 \ r \ n00,7 \ r \ nDATA, -61.262786, -37.245445,587.3,0.1,288.6,40718,20505000,7 \ r \ nDATA, -61.262786, -37.245445,587.6,0.1,288.6,40718,20505200,7 \ r \ n ""St"
"to p"
"ss .."
". \ r \ n"
"A, -6"
", - 3"
", 58"
"700.7 \ r \ n"
", - 61"
When in fact, I expected to obtain the same as the output of the Terminal example program that is shown below: