The problem is that when you create the typedef that way you are telling the compiler that any variable declared as array will be a 5-position array and your functions loadArray and Print they receive a Person data type and you are passing them a 5-position arrangement of Person
If you want to do it that way you should call it the following way
or cargarArreglo(&p[i]);
or Imprimir(&p[i]);
I recommend this:
typedef struct Persona
char nombre[20];
int edad;
void cargarArreglo(Persona ** n, int cantidad)
(*n) = (Persona*)malloc(sizeof(Persona) * cantidad);
memset((*n), 0, sizeof(Persona) * cantidad);
for(int i = 0; i < cantidad; i++)
char num = 48 + i;
strcpy((*n)[i].nombre, "Nombre ");
strcat((*n)[i].nombre, &num);
(*n)[i].edad = 20 + i;
void Imprimir(Persona n){
printf("Nombre = %s, edad = %d", n.nombre, n.edad);
int main()
Persona * p;
int cant = 5;
cargarArreglo(&p, cant);
for(int i = 0; i < cant; i++)
return 0;