Problem to try facebook4 plugin


I'm trying an application that has the plugin cordova-sqlite-storage so I need to do the tests from my cell phone, it works correctly but when I install it and try to try cordova-plugin-facebook4 I can not run it on my cell phone anymore , I use the following command "ionic cordova run android --livereload" I can do the test in the browser with "ionic serve --lab" but I can not see the data since the sqlite plugin does not work, configure everything as it comes out in the web APP_ID and APP_NAME, using the test with ionic serve if loguea and retrieve the information or that the configuration firebase and developer facebook is correct, I do not know how to test, remove and reinstalled "ionic cordova platform rm (add) android "and the problem continues. Also change in config.xml "widget id=" com.miempresa.Oficios "version=" 0.0.1 ""

asked by Miguel Rojas 01.07.2018 в 16:52

1 answer


Proba with ionic cordova build android --prod or ionic cordova build android

If it tells you that you need app-scripts run the following npm i @ionic/app-scripts

Then go back to execute ionic cordova build android --prod , and then once it finishes, open the project in Android Studio and then try it on the cel.

answered by 03.07.2018 в 18:06