What I want is to create a service for my app on Ionic 3.
The service I want to get is what Android is a Service: Service on Android
The purpose of this is to be able, through a socket that I have created, to be able to receive certain information in json format.
I'm not worth the PUSH notifications that implements for example Whatsapp since I'm not going to receive a notification, I'm going to receive certain information and as I'm interested I'll generate a notification locally or not.
I have not been able to find documentation about creating services on Ionic.
Any ideas? Is it possible to create a service and to stay running when the app has been completely closed?
What I want to achieve is that, although the app is completely closed, to continue receiving information.
I have seen this plugin: BackgroundMode but it only works so that it continues working in the background, in the moment we close the app completely stops working.
Thank you.