OrmLite calls empty builder without asking


I am using it in an ORMLite project and I have a small problem with ORMLite. It turns out that I have the following list of entities:

  • One Area has Many Monitoring Points
  • A Municipality has Many Areas
  • A Province has Many Municipalities

These relationships I am treating them in this way: Ex:

public class Area implements Serializable {  
    @DatabaseField(generatedId = true, columnName = ID, unique = true)
    private int id;
    private ForeignCollection<PuntodeMonitoreo> puntos;

public class PuntodeMonitoreo implements Serializable {
    @DatabaseField(foreign = true, foreignAutoRefresh = true, canBeNull = false, columnName = AREA)
    private Area area; 

and so on with the other relationships. My problem occurs when I get the list of the Monitoring Points and try to show each one in a CardView

* When I get an object from PuntodeMonitoring (obj) and I say:

String prov = obj.getArea().getTown().getProvince().getName()

This returns " unknow " which is the text with which I initialized the variable "name" in the empty constructor of the Provincia class. The "translation" of this line of code [ obj.getArea().getTown().getProvince().getName() ] means:


PuntodeMonitoreo give me your Area, Area give me your Municipality and Province give me your Name

But he returns me. Use the Debugger and there is a call to the empty Province builder when I ask for the Monitoring Point list with the queryForAll()

* It is curious that the id attribute of the class Provincia in the Debugger has a valid value, when in the empty constructor I initialized this attribute with -1.

I hope you can help me. Thanks

asked by Lazaro Jesús Marin Scull 28.06.2018 в 17:53

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